Occasional Pests in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson, and Boulder City, NV



Crickets are omnivorous scavengers who feed on organic materials, including decaying plant material, fungi, and some seedling plants. Cricket droppings look like black pebbles and are often mistaken for termite droppings. Crickets are very common here in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson, and Boulder City, NV.

Agent Pest Control gets rid of occasional pests in North Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Henderson, Boulder City

Field Cricket

Occasional Pests

Common Cricket




Earwigs are a very common indoor pest in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson, and Boulder City, NV. Earwigs hide in small, moist crevices during the day and are active at night. Earwigs feed on a wide variety of insects and plants. Damage to foliage, flowers, and various crops is commonly blamed on earwigs.





Silverfish feed on items such as books, boxes, carpet, clothing, glue, paper, cotton, and silk. These products contain starches and adhesives which silverfish like to eat. Silverfish can live for a year or more without eating. Silverfish are considered household pests, due to their consumption and destruction of property.




Stored Product Pests

Grain weevils, flour beetles, and grain moths are common pests in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson, and Boulder City, NV homes or business kitchen cabinets. These pests infest flour, grains, cereal, pasta, rice, etc. The infested products must be thrown away and pesticides should be used to treat the infested areas to kill off the grain moths, grain weevils, beetles, and eggs that are left behind. Agent Pest Control has the knowledge and training to get rid of stored product pests.

Agent Pest Control gets rid of flour beetles in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson, and Boulder City

Flour Beetles

Agent Pest Control gets rid of grain moths in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson and Boulder City

Grain Moth

Agent Pest Control gets rid of grain weevils in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson and Boulder City

Grain Weevil


Carpet Beetles

Agent Pest Control gets rid of carpet beetle larva in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson and Boulder City

Carpet Beetle Larva

Agent pest control gets rid of carpet beetles in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson and Boulder City

Carpet Beetle

Carpet beetles can cause damage to carpets, furniture, and clothing because their larvae feed on the natural fibers. Adult carpet beetles will actually feed outside on pollen. They will enter into your residential or commercial property to lay eggs where there is carpet for their larvae to feed on.